A Shuli Network Sessmus

by 12.25.2024

MERRY SESSMUS BELOVED CHATTERS! That’s what an awesome running banner was going to proclaim at the end with all kinds of pomp like the feast of Alvis….but I couldn’t get it working. Hey these things ‘aint easy back here in 2009. Windows Movie Maker 4-life! Anyway, love y’all. Be happy!

*As always…Apologies if I ripped off your meme or pic or whatever, but be consoled I steal only the absolute best. HMU I’m always happy to PAY DUESSSS CREDIIIIT!!! Watch, like, sub…heck, drop a comment if you’re really feeling frisky. Doowutchyalike.*

***Dues credit paid to Discord creators ALABAMUDCLAY & TF***
(The images were just too good to not use. Hope we good)

For proper context check out ‘The Uncle Rico Show’ ‘WhoAreThesePodcasts?’ ‘El Horrible-BeDabbler’ ‘Cardiff Electric’ or any of the wide variety of fine podcasts in the Dabbleverse!


Let’s have a Jew Sessmuss with Shuli-
Watch a dabblin’ marathon-
While drinking Morsetinis-
Superchats are glowing red-
Lighting up the chat room screen-
We all love the Network boys-
But that monkey will always be mean-

When other livestream viewcounts start falling-
You’ll know That RICO beacon is calling-
Santa Zen is pure delight-
The Morseverse is poised to strike-
We’ll have a true Shuli Network Sessmus tonight-

We got some Sessmus blunts to light-
Let’s have some laughs with an Isrealite-
It’s a true Shuli Network Sessmus tonight-

=7=Merry Christmas CG=7=

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